Team Tessier Life

MOM of 2 great kids, Wife of superb husband, Teacher of 3rd grade wolves, balancing it all and loving life!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Class Dojo just keeps getting better and better!

My love for Class Dojo is no secret. I am proud to work with and represent such an awesome, responsive company and to share that passion with anyone who will listen to me. They have been working tirelessly over the summer to roll out new features that will be of great use to teachers all over the world. In particular, this includes the ability to group students and award points to the groups as a whole quickly and efficiently. I haven't started the year yet, but I am looking forward to all the ways this feature will help me encourage positive behaviors.

Just in time for the start of our school year, the next new feature is ready to roll. It's called Class Story and is described as "a private Instagram for the classroom." This component will allow teachers to quickly post pictures and text to let families know, well, what the story is in the classroom! Imagine, being able to send permission slips and links to other important documents in an instant! Run to to check out more info.
Seriously? Imagine how cool it will be for parents to actually SEE what is going on in their child's classroom! Talk about changing that normal discussion: Parent: "What did you do in school today?"
Child: "Nothing"
SO much more powerful for the parent to be able to say "I saw a picture of a cool project you worked on today, tell me about it." 

Game Changer. Again. Thanks Class Dojo. You rock!