Team Tessier Life

MOM of 2 great kids, Wife of superb husband, Teacher of 3rd grade wolves, balancing it all and loving life!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Who has the time to reflect?

We are almost done with our first marking period. That means report cards, parent teacher conferences, data meetings, professional development days and Halloween. So in the midst of all of this, who has the time to REFLECT?? 

We ALL need to make that time. This is my 3rd year in 3rd grade and I'm finally feeling like I have a clue about what 3rd graders 'look' like. I love them. They are curious, engaged, exuberant and chatty. They can also be challenging. Very challenging. 

So Reflection. Words that come to mind so far.

Thankful. My class has come together as a team very well this year. It's not because I have perfect kids or I'm a perfect teacher. The combination of my comfort and their desire is good this year. It's a blessing I count every day.

Appreciative. I have a fairly new team in 3rd this year and for the most part we are working well together. More on the "for the most part" later.

Blessed. With a good student teacher who is teaching me as much as she is learning, I think.

Frustrated. With a colleague who is very difficult to work with and makes things 1o times harder than they need to be. ALL.THE. TIME.

Angry. With a system that insists on overtaxing teachers (especially new ones) with kids who need more support than can possibly be given in a classroom with 20+ more kids.

Relieved. That the Michigan legislature has passed a bill to reduce the percentage of my evaluation based on student achievement from 50% down to 25%. Thank you.

Tired. There is never enough time to get it all done.

Grateful. That I am able to work in a building where risk taking is encouraged and the staff is the most supportive I've ever worked with.

Privileged. That so many parents trust me with their children and allow me to help guide their educational journey.

Proud. We are getting it done. Everyday. We are working within the tremendous amount of pressure and still enjoying our days together. That is an accomplishment.

So there it is. I need to reflect more often, but I will not beat myself up about it. That is a waste of my time and I am, like so many others, doing the best that I can. Every. Day.


  1. SO thankful for the work you do! You do KNOW your kids, what an inspiration you are to your students and your colleagues (most of them anyway!) Keep up the wonderful job!

  2. So glad your class this year is enjoyable and the numbers are lower. I can't imagine who could make things 10 times harder :) Glad I'm done.
