Team Tessier Life

MOM of 2 great kids, Wife of superb husband, Teacher of 3rd grade wolves, balancing it all and loving life!

Friday, February 15, 2019

A lesson learned

My intent was to blog regularly about the surgery and recovery, but I'm finding there really isn't that much to write about!

I finally got a knee scooter a few days ago and that has helped a ton. So much so that I overdid it on Wednesday. Don't get me wrong, I didn't leave the house, but I did move around much more than I had previous days. It was a mistake. I ended up having a rough time sleeping that night, simply because my foot was throbbing along what I envision is the incision site. Now, it wasn't terrible, and I know that dealing with this is much less taxing than what so many may be going through. But for me, that night was tough.

So back to the recliner I went, spending as much time yesterday as I could with the toes up again. It made a huge difference. If you are facing the same type of surgery, learn from my mistake and save yourself a night of discomfort & poor sleep.

One problem I've had every day is that my surgical foot gets super cold! I think it's mostly from the fact that my toes aren't getting a ton of blood rushing to them, but ohh! it's cold! It's hard to get a sock or anything on that foot because it's wrapped in so much cast & bandage. For several days I've been trying to just tuck in the toes with a sock, but that wasn't much help. Finally yesterday I found an old fuzzy sock that I could stretch out enough to actually pull it down so it is snug on my toes.

On another note, yesterday was Valentine's Day. Every elementary teacher you know issued a huge sigh of relief this morning that the last party of the year is done. I was not really sad to miss it - I dislike party days to my core! My sub reported that the kids had fun and she was exhausted last night, which is nothing less than I would expect.

I've actually been quite surprised at how little I am worrying about school.  I can only credit that to my amazing sub and team. Another thing that lets me know I'm doing the right thing at this time.

My post op appointment is a week from today. I expect that the doc will take off my current splint/cast and after some assessment decide what type of fashion accessory I get to have for the next two weeks! Maybe I'll get to pick a color this time! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you are on the mend. It certainly does not sound like a fun time. I wish we had some warm weather so you could get outside and enjoy some sun - - - with the leg up, however. Take it easy.
